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hand that she loved a pie fight. I registered what she had said, putting it in the back of my
Friday evening started out with Jeri taking a hot shower and halfway through, yelling out
to me that there was a cake box under the table. I had forgotten about her weakness for pie
fights until I opened the box and saw the two very heavily laden cream pies. I remembered
what she had said and waited a good five minutes before sneaking into the bathroom. The
shower curtain was discreetly drawn and the room was full of steam. I placed one of the
cream pies in my outstretched hand and stealthily crept up to her shadowy form behind the
curtain. I honestly believe to this day that I took her completely by surprise. I shot back the
curtain and threw the pie fully into her shocked face. As she erupted in a cry of surprise and
laughter, I was reaching down for pie number two on the floor. This one I slammed down
on her head and a good load of cream and pie parts oozed their way down her face and
shoulders and across her wonderfully large breasts. She was so busy laughing and spitting
out bits of pie she had little time to see that I had stripped down naked and joined her in the
shower. You would have to ask her what happened after that! It was one of those memories
I would never want to forget.
Jeri was a strange bird and would get up at two in the morning when the whole neighbor-
hood was asleep to water her garden. She was very cocky and loved a good fight. I was al-
ways happy to accommodate her. One evening I was washing the dishes in her house when
she quietly came through and emptied a glass of water on my head. Why she did this I will
never know. It was completely unprovoked and typical of her. I loved that about this mad
woman. It gave me ample opportunity to be a little mad myself. I went outside to retrieve
the garden hose that she used to water her garden. She swiftly locked all the doors. Ah! But
she had overlooked the kitchen window! I trained the stream of water through the window
and absolutely soaked her and her entire kitchen with water. We never really discussed that
incident much after that, but I am willing to wager that in a weak moment she will admit
that I won that round!
All too soon my stay in Kaneohe Bay drew to a close, as Gavin and I readied Déjà vu for
her journey south.
My stay in Kaneohe Bay had been most welcome. I had made a few good friends as usual,
and I had found lucrative work at a warehouse that was owned by an aging but grand old
politician and his wife, Walt and Betty Decker. I had also helped a kindly Irish professor
replace the roof over his study and had added on a room to his house on the shore. Murphy
had finally taken to shore life, and in fact had introduced the Irish professor and myself
when he decided to adopt him as his new land based home, stealing into his house one night
and sleeping fitfully on his young daughter's bed. He then stole the neighbor's heart and
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