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hours afterward that somebody came up to me and whispered that Gavin and I had eaten
dog meat earlier on. “Yeah bra, dat pink stuff was dawg meat bra, an' you loved it!” A flash
of anger went through my mind, and then a strange voice popped up and said, “Oh for hand
eaven's sake, Jonathan! You've eaten snails, frog's legs, snake, rabbit, sheep's brains and
stomach, even the tongue of a cow. Broaden your mind.” It is a well known fact that Filipi-
nos love to eat dog meat for some reason, probably the same reason why they love a good
cock fight (which are totally banned in Hawaii but still take place at secret meetings where
large sums of money are made and lost). I consumed several more beers to wash down the
thought of the dog meat.
Almost every weekend brought a visiting boat or two into Manele Harbor. Being single
guys, Gavin and I would take a keen interest in any female crew that happened to be on
these boats. One such weekend a large expensive looking yacht edged up to the visitor's
dock, and a group of three lovely, young lasses scrambled about to secure the fancy boat
to the dock. The skipper-owner remained at the helm, and his “girls” did all the work; they
had evidently done this before. They then produced a hose, buckets, and brushes and pro-
ceeded to hose and scrub down the boat while the portly old owner looked on contentedly.
It was quite obvious from the start that they were just good time girls away for a fun week-
end at his expense. Nothing wrong with that, so far.
Gavin and I were ogling these voluptuous, young lasses in their skimpy bikinis, each tinier
than the next, with our tongues hanging in our laps. I was content to just leave it as it was
but not Gavin. He saw them as fair game. When I suggested that the man was entitled to
his harem as they were his guests, and he was paying for their little holiday, he reasoned
“Yeah, but he can't have them all, the old bastard! Look at him, the fat slob!”
“Whether he can or not is hardly the point; you will make an enemy if you try to chat up
his girls.”
I may as well have spoken to Murphy. In fact, Murphy had a hand in this little incident as
well. I am convinced that Gavin put him up to it.
It was inevitable that the three babes would need a shower or a trip to the ablution block
eventually, and this is when Gavin and Murphy had planned their ambush. He waited for
a while as the girls disappeared into the bathrooms, and then enticing Murphy to go along
with him, he casually strolled off in the general direction of the bathrooms himself.
It so happened that halfway across to the building, one of the girls came out and Murphy, on
cue, went skidding up to her for a little attention. He had little shame at this stage. Neither
of them had.
The young girl's immediate reaction was obvious, “Oh hi, what a cute little kitty you are!”
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