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I thought of Paula and our recent goodbye. I looked back at Tam and her heaving breasts
and curvaceous body lying so naked now on my bunk. I stood up, removed my jeans and
T-shirt, and sank down next to her.
I realized how very drunk I was and kissed her squarely on her full, sensuous lips, thinking
what a lucky guy Steve must be. The reality of my thoughts struck me a few seconds later,
and I pulled away from her.
“What about Steve? What must he think when you leave him night after night?”
“Oh, he and I have an understanding. He's a lot older than I am and knows what I need.
It's OK. Don't trouble yourself about that.”
“Wait a minute.” I stood up and went outside and peed into the dark water below, gulping
in the fresh, cool, evening air.
I knew I had had too much to drink, and my body was not responding. I went down below
and lay next to her. “I'm sorry Tam; I've had too much to drink. I can't go through with
this. Besides, you're married, and I've just recently said goodbye to a wonderful girl that I
was in love with.”
“Oh, OK sweetie, I understand; just lay down here for a bit with me. It's not always about
the sex you know.” We lay quietly for a while, and after a while she said, “I really ought to
be going.”
“Right,” I said, feeling silly and relieved. “Let me get the dinghy.”
We quickly dressed and climbed down into the little boat, and as we pushed off I slipped,
lost my balance, and fell over the side with a splash. Tam laughed heartily and stood up
suddenly to try to help me. She miscalculated the floatation differences between inflatables
and hard dinghies and was flung overboard in a split second. She came up gasping in shock
and amusement. I realized that she had been wearing her backpack, which was now drip-
ping with seawater.
“Oh Christ! I don't bloody well believe it! My wallet and passport and identity documents
are all soaked. What the hell am I going to tell Steve?”
As luck would have it, her two muscle bound friends came whizzing by and saw our pre-
dicament with great amusement. They helped her over the side and after a while took her
back to her boat.
I woke early the next morning and went above to investigate a bumping noise against the
hull. To my horror, I saw several rusty cans from the evening before floating happily about
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