Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Appendix 2.1
Policy statement
General statement
ACME Corporation acknowledges their legal responsibilities as an employer under current national and
European legislation and will, as far as is reasonably practicable, provide a safe and healthy environment
for staff and visitors to its premises.
The standard set by the legal requirements is seen as the absolute minimum standard by which ACME
Corporation will operate, we will strive to meet the highest standards of occupational safety and health.
We will take steps to ensure that our statutory duties are met at all times, including the provision of suf-
fi cient funds and facilities to meet the requirement of this policy.
The maintenance of a safe and healthy environment in which to work is seen as an equally key objective
as the generation of income-related business.
Each employee will be given such information, instruction and training as is necessary to enable the safe
performance of all their work activities.
We also fully accept our responsibility for other persons who may be affected by our activities and will
seek to provide those others with appropriate information to ensure their safety.
Bill Bloggs has been appointed the director responsible for health and safety to whom issues related to
health, safely and welfare management should be addressed.
It is the duty of management to ensure that all processes and systems of work are designed to take
account of health and safety and are properly supervised at all times.
Adequate facilities and arrangements will be maintained to enable employees and their representatives to
raise issues of health and safety.
Competent persons will be appointed to assist us in meeting our statutory duties including, where appro-
priate, external specialists.
Fundamental to the success of this policy is the responsibility and cooperation of all employees for health
and safety at work.
Each individual has a legal obligation to take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and for the
safety of other people who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Full details of the organisation and
arrangements for health and safety will be set out in Chapters 2 and 3 of this document.
Affi liated health and safety policies are listed at Annex A.
Key health and safety objectives
The key objectives contained within this policy will assist us to ensure:
The health and safety of all employees, visitors and others who may be affected by our undertaking;
That all employees have a clear understanding of their individual and collective responsibilities regard-
ing health and safety;
The adequate and appropriate training of all employees;
Effective monitoring of policies/procedures by inspection/audit;
Employees are actively involved via the localised consultation process;
All health and safety policies and procedures are regularly reviewed; and
That standards are set with regard to health and safety management within the organisation.
Chapter 3 of this policy document outlines ACME Corporation's arrangements for health and safety for
staff, visitors and others.
This policy will be regularly updated to refl ect operational and legislative changes and any 'lessons from
experience'. A copy of this policy is available to all ACME Corporation's members of staff and consultants,
contractors, other building users and their employees.
We request that all our visitors and those who may come onto our premises respect this policy, a copy of
which can be obtained on demand.
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