Agriculture Reference
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Fig. 4.8. Phorid fl y.
tract problems to humans and other animals.
House fl ies and other fl ies are the most
important causes of dysentery (Levine and
Levine, 1991) around the world and are
blamed for thousands of deaths, especially
among children in poverty-stricken areas of
the globe. In more affl uent areas, fl ies can
still cause a lot of aggravation by fl ying
around people, causing discomfort and
rural areas, legal problems are certain to
occur. This happens when the urban centre
inhabitants start complaining and take up
legal actions against owners and operators
of businesses where fl ies breed (Anon.,
2000). 'Right-to-Farm' laws passed in the
USA protect farms from many lawsuits, but
other businesses may not enjoy the same
Increased chances of liability are
associated with the presence of fl ies in and
around medical facilities, especially operat-
ing rooms. The presence of fl ies near these
facilities greatly increases the chances for
the spread of microorganisms that can
colonize patient wounds, feeding tubes and
other attachments applied to the patients, as
well as medical instruments. Flies have
been demonstrated to carry many micro-
organisms including several that show
extreme resistance to common antibiotics.
The presence of fl ies and other organisms
that can spread disease organisms within
medical facilities (Rady et al ., 1992) can
lead to serious legal issues, which may
affect the functioning of the facilities.
Legal issues with fl ies
The presence of fl ies can represent a serious
legal liability, especially for businesses
located in or close to densely urbanized
areas where large human populations can be
affected by fl ies produced as a consequence
of business activities. This is fairly common
in areas where the urban population moves
toward traditional agricultural areas, where
the presence of fl ies had not been a problem
in the past. With close proximity between
urban populations and fl y breeding sites, as
a result of encroachment into suburban and
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