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preventative actions could be carried out
(Srivastava et al. , 2003). A system used in
Mozambique to coordinate the spraying of
approximately 220,000 structures over a
very large area allowed detailed control of
resources and spray coverage (Booman et
al. , 2003). Kelly et al. (2011) reported on an
SDSS customised for use in indoor residual
spraying in Vanuatu in which 100% of
survey respondents declared the system
was a useful and effective tool.
The Innovative Vector Control Con-
sortium (IVCC) has been involved in the
development of a Malaria Decision Support
System with multi-country applicability
through collaboration with Colorado State
University and African countries. In 2011
this system was developed into a software
platform that could be confi gured for any
environment and it has been translated into
Spanish and Arabic (IVCC, 2012).
emerging technologies considered in this
chapter may remain academic or relevant
for niche interest groups. Others, however,
may become adopted as important elements
in management programmes over time. The
future of these technologies will be
determined by the extent to which further
development, testing and adaptability
demonstrate their commercial viability, the
willingness of control programmes to adopt
them and the commercial interest they
receive. The principal success criteria that
determine the level of commercial viability
of emerging technologies are as follows:
• cost-effi cacy;
• regulatory acceptance and safety;
• operational ease of use;
• supply chain viability (manufacture,
storage, transport and application); and
• commercial interest (ownership by a
capable commercial entity).
The extent to which each meets these
criteria is a matter of judgement and the
assessment will change as more information
becomes available. A view based on
information from the section on Description
and Key Characteristics of Emerging
Technologies is summarized in Table 3.3,
with effi cacy as a prime consideration
rather than cost.
Further comments and explanations rele-
vant to the potential of individual tech-
nologies are as follows:
Ai-leen and Song (2000) and Teng (2001)
described a system implemented in
Singapore to identify, map and monitor
dengue foci and guide control activities. It
incorporates vector surveillance data from
over 2000 ovitraps. Similarly Sithiprasasna
et al . (2004) described an SDSS used in
Thailand to monitor dengue outbreaks. A
dengue SDSS has been implemented in
Mexico (Lozano Fuentes et al ., 2008) which
incorporates Google Earth TM , the WHO
HealthMapper and other free software.
• Impregnated fabrics stand out from other
technologies in already having demon-
strated epidemiological benefi ts as well
as reduction of mosquito numbers,
though any other combination of meth-
ods that causes population elimination
would also do so. However, they are
closely related to the established tech-
nology of mosquito nets and similarly
exposed to the developing problem of
resistance to established insecticides.
• Polystyrene beads will work for Culex in
small enclosed water bodies such as pit
latrines, but not for Aedes and Anopheles
species whose larvae normally develop
in cleaner water and they will not work
in open areas of standing water or in
running water.
Combined systems
The IVCC and collaborators have also
developed a combined dengue and malaria
decision support system, allowing fl exi-
bility for use on both diseases in any
environment (IVCC, 2012).
Improvement in urban mosquito manage-
ment could potentially be achieved through
better or increased use of established
technologies or by the adoption of new
products or technologies. Some of the
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