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Insect Technique' (IIT) through repeated
releases of male mosquitoes containing a
non-native strain of Wolbachia . Provided
only males are released, none of the matings
will result in viable offspring and the native
population is reduced without acquiring
the non-native Wolbachia strain. This
approach was successfully deployed in the
elimination of a small, isolated population
of the mosquito Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus
from a village near Rangoon (Laven, 1967).
Atyame et al. (2011) found that male Cx.
pipiens quinquefasciatus transinfected with
the Wolbachia wPip(Is) strain from Cx.
pipiens pipiens in Turkey showed complete
sterility in mating with Cx. pipiens
quinquefasciatus from La RĂ©union and they
displayed good mating competitiveness.
Similar work with Aedes polynesiensis , the
principal vector of lymphatic fi lariasis in
the South Pacifi c, showed that incompatible
males of this species were equally com-
petitive with wild-type males and high rates
of suppression occurred in cage experiments
(Brelsfoard et al. , 2008).
To overcome the risk of introducing
fertile females with the Wolbachia strain,
Brelsfoard et al. (2009) found that irradiation
of male pupae of Ae. polynesiensis at a
female sterilizing dosage of 40 Gy did not
lead to any loss of mating competitiveness.
Genetic sexing is another option to ensure
no females are released.
weakly than wMelPop (Eliminate Dengue,
2013b) and has less detrimental physio-
logical effects on this mosquito. Bian et al.
(2013) reported the establishment of a stable
infection with Wolbachia strain wAlbB in
the important urban malaria vector An.
stephensi , which confers resistance to P.
falciparum malaria.
Open releases of adult Ae. aegypti males
and females with the wMel Wolbachia
strain in early 2011 in two areas of 600-700
houses near Cairns, Queensland, Australia
led to virtual fi xation with the Wolbachia
form (Hoffman et al. , 2011). A similar trial
with the more virulent wMelPop strain in
2012 led to positive results at fi rst, but
diminished over time (Eliminate Dengue,
2013b). This strain was also released in Tri
Nguyen Island in Vietnam in 2013 and after
11 weeks of releases 59% of mosquitoes on
the island carried Wolbachia (Eliminate
Dengue, 2013c). Ae. aegypti with a third
strain of Wolbachia that aims to demonstrate
strong dengue blocking capacity, similar to
wMelPop, was released into three areas of
Cairns in early 2013 (Eliminate Dengue,
2013a). Releases resulted in over 80% of the
Wolbachia form by early June.
Use of genetic systems
Additional genetic approaches involve the
replacement of the native population of
mosquitoes by ones that have been altered
genetically. These approaches are at the
laboratory research stage. Examples are
RNAi and HEGs, described by McGraw and
O'Neill (2013).
Population replacement
If both male and female mosquitoes with a
non-native strain of Wolbachia are released
in suffi cient numbers, the Wolbachia will
tend to propagate through the population
due to its maternal inheritance and the CI
effect. If this Wolbachia strain reduces the
ability of the mosquito to transmit disease,
its introduction should result in a decline in
disease transmission.
The wMelPop Wolbachia strain derived
from Drosophila melanogaster can be stably
transinfected into Ae. aegypti , reducing
adult lifespan and blocking transmission of
dengue and chikungunya (Moreira et al. ,
2009). Another strain from D. melanogaster ,
wMel, blocks virus transmission more
RNAi is a natural insect immune response
system that recognizes and combats invad-
ing viral RNA. This has been exploited to
enhance mosquitoes' ability to reject dengue
by inserting an inverted repeat gene from a
dengue virus 2 (DENV-2) genomic RNA into
the insect's DNA. This triggers the RNAi
response and protects the mosquito from
colonization of its tissues by the dengue
virus when encountered through blood
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