Travel Reference
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I followed Highway 7 south towards Oxford. It took me along the western edge of the
Holly Springs National Forest, which seemed to be mostly swamp and scrubland. I was
disap pointed. I had half expected that as soon as I crossed into Mississippi there would
be Spanish mosses hanging from the trees and women in billowy dresses twirling para-
sols and white-haired colonels with handlebar mustaches drinking mint juleps on the lawn
while armies of slaves gathered the cotton and sang sweet hymns. But this landscape was
with an old black man in a rocking chair on the porch, but precious little sign of life or
movement elsewhere.
At the town of Holly Springs stood a sign for Senatobia, and I got briefly excited. Senato-
bia! What a great name for a Mississippi town! All that the old South stood for seemed to
beencapsulatedinthosefivegoldensyllables. Maybethingswerepickingup.Maybenow
I would see chain gangs toiling in the sun and a prisoner in heavy irons legging it across
fields and sloshing through creeks while pursued by bloodhounds, and lynch mobs roam-
ing the streets and crosses .burning onlawns. The prospect enlivened me, but Ihad to calm
over with that sort of casual disdain you often get when you give a dangerously stupid per-
son a gun and a squad car. He was sweaty and overweight and sat low in his seat. I assume
he was descended from the apes like all the rest of us, but clearly in his case it had been a
fairly gentle slope. I stared straight ahead with a look that I hoped conveyed seriousness of
Ac the very least I expected him to gob a wad of tobacco juice down the side of my head.
Instead, he said, “How yew doin'?”
This so surprised me that I answered, in a cracking voice, “Pardon?”
“I said, how yew doin'?”
“I'm fine,” I said. And then added, having lived some years in England, “Thank you.”
“Y'on vacation?” ”
“Hah doo lack Miss Hippy?” “Pardon?”
“I say, Hah doo lack Miss Hippy?”
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