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munity, though there was still a semiwild glint in his eye. In his day, he had been one of
the most committed drug takers in the community, and indeed he still had a faintly burnt-
out look about him. We had been friends almost forever, since first grade at least. We ex-
changed broad smiles and warm handshakes and tried to talk, but there was so much noise
gave up trying to talk and instead had a beer and stood smiling inanely at each other, the
way you do with someone you haven't seen for years, and watching the people around us.
I couldn't get over how young and freshlooking they all seemed. Everything about them
looked brandnew and unused-their clothes, their faces, their bodies. When we had drained
our beer bottles, Horner and I stepped out onto the street and walked to his car. The fresh
air felt wonderful. People were leaning against buildings everywhere and puking.
“And they're all just fourteen years old' I added. “Physically they are fourteen years old,”
he corrected me, “but emotionally and intellectually they are still somewhere shy of their
eighth birthday.”
“Were we like that at their age?”
“I used to wonder that, but I don't think so. I may have been that stupid once, but I was
like they're on their way to an Osmonds concert. And they don't know anything. You talk
to them in a bar and they don't even know who's running for president. They've never
heard of Nicaragua. It's scary.”
Horner added. We were at his car. I looked at him across the top of it. “What's that?” I
“They don't smoke dope. Can you believe that?”
simply inconceivable. On any list of reasons for going to the University of Iowa, smoking
dope took up at least two of the first five places.
“Then what are they here for?”
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