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of Guangdong Province under Grant No.S2012010009634; the Research Foun-
dation of Science and Technology Major Project in Guangdong Province under
Grant No.2012A010800012 ; the Research Foundation of Science and Technology
Plan Project in Guangzhou City under Grant No.12A12051586 .
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5. Christopher, J.C.H.W., Peter, D.: Q-learning. Machine Learning 8(3-4), 279-292
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11. Zhicong, Z., Li, Z., Xiaohua, W.: Parallel Machines Scheduling with Reinforcement
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12. Emin, A.M., Oztemel, E.: Dynamic Job-shop Scheduling Using Reinforcement
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13. Zhengxing, H., van der Aalst, W.M.P., Xudong, L., Huilong, D.: An Adaptive Work
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14. Zhengxing, H., van der Aalst, W.M.P., Xudong, L., Huilong, D.: Reinforcement
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15. Tom, M.M.: Mechine Learning. China Machine Press (2003)
16. van der Aalst, W.M.P.: The Application of Petri Nets to Workflow Management.
Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 8(01), 21-66 (1998)
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