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Workbench pop ups
Workbench pop ups are very similar to workbench screens, with the single difference of
appearing on a pop-up window instead of as a part of a composite screen. Pop ups will be-
come modal from the UberFire perspective, not letting the user click on any other com-
ponent of the particular screen until the pop up is closed.
It also requires a @WorkbenchPartTitle and a @WorkbenchPartView annotation
to register a title and a view for the pop up and an identifier to invoke it from outside, just
like screens. Because those methods can be implemented by any class, creating widgets
that could be used both from a screen or a pop up becomes very simple. This is shown in
the following code example:
@WorkbenchPopup(identifier = "myOwnPopupID")
public class MyOwnPopupPresenter {
public String getTitle() {
return "My Own Popup";
public IsWidget getView() {
As you can see from the comparison of the last two code fragments, workbench screens
and pop ups are virtually the same except for the final layout in the UberFire framework.
Workbench editors
Workbench editors are special kinds of UI components that perform some kind of editing
functionality for a specific file type or group of file types. It extends the functionality of
common screens to associate the opening of an editor with a specific file that needs to be
stored on the server side. They provide some extra needed configuration to bind a specific
editor with a particular file and file type. Here's an example:
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