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The preceding code snippet does a lot more configuration, mainly to access all the JMS
components needed. We first need to connect to an initial context to gain access to our
JMS ConnectionFactory and Queues , and then we pass those to the factory along
with a release ID, a username, and a password.
You will need to have the file in your classpath with all the config-
urations needed to access a remote JMS environment. You can find one with all such con-
figurations to connect to a JBoss Application Server 7.1 remote JMS factory in the
remote-invocations project.
There is an example provided in the SignalEventAppJMS class of the remote-in-
vocations project. You can run it directly from the remote-invocations path by
typing the following command:
mvn -Pjms
Due to default permission configurations in JBoss Application Server 7.1, you need to
have the guest role added to the user with which you log in to the KIE Workbench. You
can do so by editing the file under stan-
dalone/configuration , changing mariano=admin to mariano=ad-
min,guest .
Also, if you want to run the remote-invocations demo, you will also need to add the
mariano user, with password mypass , to the application realm using the add- or add-user.bat script of the JBoss Application Server.
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