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Taking each of our nonfunctional requirements into account, we need to see whether the
KIE Workbench (as it is distributed) or similar architectures are well-suited for our case.
If not, do not despair as jBPM6 is—in its very core—just a process engine with configur-
able extensions to plug any sort of external system or functionality, and embeddable in
any other kind of Java-based system.
We can use event listeners to publish auditing information to external systems and com-
ponents, regarding the internal execution of our jBPM6 process engine. We can also con-
figure work item handlers and executor commands to customize the way our tasks are
executed. There are even pluggable systems for every internal component used in the
KieServices class. If we change our classpath to have the Drools persistence JAR for
Infinispan instead of the ones that implement JPA, we can change the way our system per-
sists runtime information at its very core. Any different configurations can be thought of
and created for any kind of environment specification. The following diagram shows a
few different architectures based on distinct requirements:
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