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Infinispan persistence
Similar to the JPA persistence provided for jBPM6, there is another experimental imple-
mentation provided by the code base that allows you to store and load the contents of per-
sistent KIE sessions in an Infinispan cache. This implementation uses the exact same com-
mand pattern to wrap every KIE session method execution with a transaction; however, in-
stead of using the data access objects provided for JPA, it uses new ones created to work
directly with Infinispan.
There is a project provided to see the Infinispan persistence implementation in action in the
infinispan-persistence-examples project. The following code examples are
taken from the InfinispanPersistentProcessTest class.
There are three main differences between the JPA-based and the Infinispan-based
KieStoreServices implementations:
• The dependency needed in the classpath is as follows:
• The configuration of an Infinispan configuration (provided in our example in the
infinispan.xml file) is as follows:
<infinispan ...>
<namedCache name="jbpm-configured-cache">
<eviction strategy="NONE" />
<transaction ...
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