Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Let's take some time to understand this file. It follows the JPA 2.0 standard XML notation
to define five entities ( SessionInfo , WorkItemInfo , ProcessInstanceInfo ,
CorrelationPropertyInfo , and CorrelationKeyInfo ), a provider (which is
defined in the hibernate-core dependency, called HibernatePersistence ),
and a JTA data source (which we will implement using btm ).
Since we are using JTA to define a transaction manager for our data sources, we need to
define a JNDI registry where the transactions are discovered. We can define that easily by
having a file within our classpath that defines, in our case, the btm
naming registry, with the following content:
From then onward, all other components are defined in our case through code. Specific-
ally, we will start a data source, use btm to start a transaction manager around that data
source, and start an entity manager factory (a class used by JPA to interact with our data-
base in runtime).
From inside our test cases, we define a method marked with the @Before JUnit annota-
tion in our JPAPersistentProcessTest class by using the following content:
private PoolingDataSource ds = null;
public void startUp() throws Exception {
ds = new PoolingDataSource();
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