Information Technology Reference
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Finally, because we will be working with an H2 database as the persistence accessed
through JPA, we will also need to add the H2 dependency:
Once we have started our data source and configured our persistence unit, we can start the
JPA persistence by just creating an EntityManagerFactory object with the persist-
ence unit name, as follows:
EntityMananagerFactory entityManagerFactory = Persistence.
Adding a users and groups data source origin
Another thing we need to configure before we create and use our task service is a way for
it to understand who the valid users are and the groups they belong to. Depending on the
way your software or organization defines these structures, you might need to connect to
one of the many different identity software components. These range from something as
simple as a file with users and roles to a database or to an LDAP or Active Directory
( AD ) server.
As this configuration can be so varied, the Human task component provides a specific in-
terface (with multiple available implementations) to connect itself to any of these data
sources called UserGroupCallback :
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