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Unit testing the process definition
If we look for a project called process-examples inside the chapter-05 folder,
we'll see that it contains a test file called . It uses
a file called sprintManagementV1.bpmn2 that contains the definition of the pro-
cess. So, basically, the test will execute the process definition to check that everything is
working as expected. If you want, you can take a look at the source code of the test. We
will now look at the important parts of the SprintManagementV1Test class, where
we test how the process we just defined executes in the following code:
KieSession ksession = createKieSession();
TestAsyncWorkItemHanlder h1 = new
TestAsyncWorkItemHanlder h2 = new
TestAsyncWorkItemHanlder h3 = new
"Human Task", h1);
"compiler", h2);
"deployer", h3);
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("project", "MyProject");
params.put("reqDescription", "My new Requirement");
ProcessInstance instance = ksession.startProcess(
"sprintManagement-V1", params);
In the preceding code, we first created our session (using the APIs we saw in Chapter 2 ,
BPM Systems' Structure ), named ksession , and we registered work item handlers for it.
The main process activity starts when we call the startProcess method, which re-
ceives the process ID we defined and a map of parameters (whose keys, you might notice,
were described in the Variable Definitions property of our process). This is the
most basic API we will need on the runtime to start a process instance.
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