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Configuring gateway nodes
In the case of gateways, there are not too many properties we can configure. The behavior
of a gateway is determined by its type, which we have implicitly defined by selecting the
specific gateway we want to use—XOR, also known as exclusive.
The Web Process Designer supports four types of gateway nodes, exclusive ( XOR ), paral-
lel ( AND ), inclusive ( OR ), and event-based gateway nodes, and the properties they can
have are as follows:
This property shows the name of the gateway. It is only used to display a label in the node.
For exclusive and inclusive gateways only, this property allows us to select the default sequence flow that will be executed if all of
the other outgoing sequence flows of the gateway evaluate to false.
We are not going to set the value of any of those properties for our gateways, because they
are there just to provide converging points, not to diverge flows. Configuring diverging
flows from a gateway is done inside the sequence flows.
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