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Once the Finish button is clicked on, we're directed to the project editor, where we can
configure dependencies, KIE Bases, KIE Sessions, and all the project-relevant compon-
ents. The project editor groups all responsibilities to define dependencies, for project
runtime configurations, and to allow the user to build and deploy the project in a Maven
The same options are available when selecting an already existing project by clicking on
the Tools | Project Editor option that appears under the navigation bar in the Project
Authoring perspective, as shown in the following screenshot:
In the preceding screenshot, we can see that we have different types of settings for our
project. We are mostly interested in the Knowledge bases and sessions item of the set-
tings list box, because it will allow us to configure where and how the business processes
that we will define will end up exposed to the runtime.
Each Maven project that we define in the KIE Workbench encloses a particular configura-
tion for one or more types of runtime. Each runtime definition will have its own KIE
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