Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
KieSession ksession = ...;
ksession.signalEvent("Message-messageRefName", null);
Error events : These events are prepared to handle specific errors that occur in a
process execution. They can be used as end events to terminate a flow indicating
an error occurred or used to catch specific errors. They can even be used to start a
Compensation events : These events are used to compensate for errors that oc-
curred in the flow of a process. If you find yourself in a situation that shouldn't be
happening, you can trigger a compensation event to notify the specific compensa-
tion handler (a catching compensation event) that an action should be taken to
amend the execution somehow.
Escalation events : These events are similar in implementation to compensation
events. They mark a situation that cannot be handled anymore by the current pro-
cess execution. The only difference with escalation events is that some higher
scope of process execution (that is, a parent process) should handle the specific
situation that fired the escalation event. That is why they can only use start and
throw escalation events inside subprocesses.
Terminate events : Processes can have multiple flows running in the same pro-
cess definitions. The process instance is not considered completed until all active
execution flows reach an end event. Terminate events are used to avoid this, since
process instances are completed as soon as any of the execution paths of a process
reach a terminate end event.
There are a few more that aren't covered by jBPM6 much or very widely used, so we
skipped them from this topic. We encourage you to look into the specification if you're in-
terested in other types of events.
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