Biology Reference
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Kruger Lion Testing Air for Scent (Phlegming)
Obviously diseases and human caused injuries are also characteristic. Of note, one third of
people in South Africa based on a study in Pietermaritzburg who have a stab wound to the
chest die and half of those with bullet wounds die. Nevertheless, I once had a patient with
eight 9mm bullets in him and he did fine. The record I have seen reported was 28 in a criminal
shot by police in New York City.
Lilly Gustavsson, the first nurse recruited from Sweden to care of patients, arrived around
1943 in Shongwe. She worked in a 10' by 10' mud and brick daub “clinic;” the 100 square
foot shed quite in contrast to the 1 million square foot Heart and Vascular Institute Bruce and I
now work in at the Cleveland Clinic.
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