Biology Reference
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Wide Horned Old Kruger Park Tsotsie Daka Boy
The bull picked up his sent and charged at the rock. Bvekenya waited until the bull was in
range and shot it, but the bull kept on coming until it hit the rock with tremendous force. Still, it
charged the rock again with tremendous force shaking it and nearly unseating Barnard who had
to lift his legs up. The bull sunk on its haunches, having knocked itself out, and then got up
again only to keel over dead - ending the attack.
Buffalo Bull Part of a Charge
While the former, the San, lived in desert conditions, the latter lived in relatively fertile
areas but did not become herder/pastoralists. Sleeping sickness carried by tsetse flies, known
as Nagana in cattle, killed off any attempts to keep cattle on the larger lowland plains of the
Limpopo and Zambezi rivers, mostly in Mozambique. Ironically, for many years, tsetse flies
were the best preservers of wildlife, which is resistant to sleeping sickness, by preventing the
influx of humans and their cattle. The Shangaan, as related by Bulpin from his discussions with
Barnard who hunted in eastern Zimbabwe and Mozambique, claimed they were, to use the
modern term, animal “whisperers.” They understood and thought like the animals they lived
off. They had an uncanny ability to predict where animals were and what they would do, and
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