Biology Reference
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Ultimately, it's similar to the discussion about the San Bushmen visionary prophetic leaders
also being effective healers. The government and the current President will be viewed by
society through the lens of whether the populace believes that they have been and are effective
healers in terms of the new health law. The first step will be the evaluation of the law by the
Supreme Court, as representatives of the People's conscience, norms, and mores. Whatever the
outcome, the success or failure of the law or derivatives, and consequences, will generate
piles and piles of media reports, analysis, and medical research manuscripts arguing the pros
and the cons.
Another possible reason for the move to pastoralism among the hunter-gatherers is the
influence of their success rate, or lack thereof. For example, if an animal was killed in only
one of every eight trips instead of four trips this could lead to frustration and eventually lack of
enthusiasm for the hunt, just as if one is not catching fish, one may stop going on fishing trips,
although modern man has added benefit of getting pleasure from simply being out in nature.
Having gone through a couple of years without catching any steelhead, a local fishing secret in
northeastern Ohio, it was becoming frustrating. But then I caught my personal largest, a 33 inch
female, on a day when the fishing was not going to be good!
Bruce and Lars Winter Steelhead Fishing
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