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however, it would seem that NBA players also embody some of the mystical aspects of
shamans, although the analogy maybe tenuous. As an analogy, basketball is more like two clans
out for a hunt pursuing a, for example, mastodon, and one may allow the other to win the prize
because it is not as hungry or owes a favor or needs a favor. The players attack the net
(mastodon's head, about the right height) with “boulders” displaying their super athleticism in
the hunt. Dunking on top of the head is particularly admired by the following clan, including
kids and women, for its effectiveness in the hunt. And so the star players as hunters are looked
up to, figuratively and literally. Their physique, speed, agility, “dancing,” energy, ability to
duck and dive to avoid danger, and performance takes on super natural overtones and hence
they have a worshipful following with the remuneration “gifts” to go along with it. Their
ability to garner money (meat) for the local economies is praised. When LeBron James left
Cleveland there were commentaries on how many hundreds of millions income the local
economy would lose. As in a gift economy, the saying was “we supported him, he should not
now abandon us;” he owes us “gifts” of jobs. The real issue is he was free to leave (“fission”)
but it was the way he did it that angered many. In keeping with hunter-gatherer behavior, we
chip away and criticize our “shaman” hunt leaders. It would seem our NBA stars are our super
hunters of our modern era and some have extraordinary ability like LeBron. His continued
contact with his Akron community, like his high school St Vincent's and St Mary's, would
argue for him one day returning. Indeed, my youngest son went up to him at my older son's
game against his former high school's football game and he kindly signed an autograph for my
son that I had framed. A totem or token for good hunting?
LeBron at US - Irish Playoffs
In the past, the super hunters would take on championship of hunting, namely, hunting
mastodons or mammoths with primitive weapons. Indeed, Livingstone said that hunting
elephants by Bushmen “is the best test of courage this country (Southern Africa) affords”. The
Bushmen would hunt elephants in the cool of the night and after exhausting the elephants by
having the elephant's charge them repeatedly till out of breath, they would run in and stab the
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