Biology Reference
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Amphitheatre and Sentinel on the Right
Like most peoples in the world, they believed there was a God, in their case depicted as an
eland, and that there was good and evil (depicted by carnivores like lions) in the world as a
result of other world's battles between good and evil. To them heaven was underground,
where there was lots of water, not in the sky. Why does this seem to be so commonly ingrained
in people, namely that they have a soul apart from body, they believe in good and evil, heaven
and hell, and a course to human history controlled by a higher being? Are these fairy tales that
we wish to believe in as part of our nature? Tolkien, who was South African and shared a
close friendship with C.S.Lewis, argued that the reason why fairy tales are popular is because
we wish to believe in a higher being is in control, we hope love will endure and overcome
death, evil will be vanquished by good, and we wish to have a closure relationship with
nature. Clearly, the success of some recent movies would suggest that and also explain why
people return to nature to “find themselves” and commune with nature or God. And, interacting
with wild animals is part of that equation.
Differently, many Nguni based tribes still are great believers in afterlife and communicating
with ancestral spirits. They believe that disease is caused by curses, either from the living or
dead, and can be diagnosed by sangomas. However, about three quarters of South Africans
now describe themselves as Christian Whereas Livingstone had little success as a missionary
in converting the Tswana of Botswana to Christianity. Gordon-Cummings does however
record that he attended a church service in Kuruman, Northern South Africa, run by
Livingstone's father in law, Moffat, where 16 men and women who had become Christians and
were baptized. The missionaries in South Africa were also successful, and established a
network of mission hospitals and schools among the Africans. Nguni beliefs were probably
also a factor in accepting the new religion of Christianity as the next step in religious
God (Nkosi) was in heaven (Ezulweni) and made man (Abantu) on earth. If you look up at
the stars, you can see the footprints of cows (Nkomo) in heaven from the underside of heaven,
proving he is above in heaven. Nkosi sent down a chameleon and a lizard as messengers to
people but the lizard outran the chameleon and lied to people. The Zulus believed that there is
good and evil on earth (Kamhlaba) and that sorcerers (Inyangas and Sangomas ) curse people,
and sometimes because of curses from other people or upsetting the spirits of the dead
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