Biology Reference
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should heed the words of Proverbs namely, “a righteous man regards the life of his animal,”
and treat the animals we come into contact with respect and concern for their well-being as
much as possible, realizing they are not us but there for us.
When I was at Treverton College, we would frequently go on long weekends with our
teachers to the Drakensberg mountains nearby, also called the Barrier of Spears in Zulu
Wildflowers on Hike below Amphitheatre and Sentinel Peak
We would hike the mountains and sleep in caves at night carrying minimal light provisions.
Sometimes we would see the eland that were depicted in the San Bushmen paintings as both
human upright chimera bipeds but also depicted with eland heads. At the time there was a
restorancy effort going on to preserve the very rare bearded vulture (lammergeyer), a giant
bird that would drop bones on rocks to smash them so they can eat the marrow. It is said that
an ancient Greek poet was killed by a bone dropped on his head by a bearded vulture. Just as
with the California condor that has been restored to a population of some 400, the vulture
“restaurant” at Giant's Castle has helped restore the bearded vulture, Cape vulture, and black
eagle populations. Not so long ago I saw one soaring over the farm that belonged to Punch
Barlow, of Barlow Rand, near Nottingham, on the highway from Durban to Johannesburg.
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