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winter rainfall conducive to planting European crops, particularly winter wheat, they had an
influx of farmers and winegrowers. They drove the Khoi Khoi increasingly northwards in
multiple battles; the superiority of guns overwhelming the Khoi Khoi weapons. However over
time the Khoi Khoi, later forming the Griquas, acquired more primitive guns and they then
moved back in a circle northwards from the south to take on the central San Bushmen and the
Nguni speaking Bantu tribes. Recently though the introduced wheat has come under attack,
including genetically modified rust resistant varieties, because a new wheat rust, Ug99, is able
to overcome genetically modified wheat in South Africa, Kenya and Uganda. With 80% loss of
the crop and with it capable of being borne on the winds, it will probably reach North
America and Europe; it could be devastating to crops. Cornell University has done much
research on crop development in Africa and Ronnie Coffman has estimated that up to 90% of
the world's wheat varieties will have to be replaced because of this new wheat fungus.
Fairly consistently, the San hunter gatherers lived in clans, as with most other hunter-
gatherers like the Australian desert dwellers, Jomon of Japan, and Birhor of India, with some
25 members in the clan belonging to a larger tribe (see photos at the end showing San
bushmen). This was the minimum that was required to hunt effectively since the great
difference for human versus other animals hunting was the cooperative nature of multiple
hunters working together. This also required language and signaling skills to hunt wildlife,
particularly larger herbivores, and their favorite being eland that can reach 2000 lbs. Indeed,
the largest eland ever collected was at Grootfontein on the western border of the Kalahari
Grootfontein Church
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