Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
The influence of the ecozones on plants is complex but among the four topics I have on the
Lebombo Plain-Lowveld Bushveld trees and how to identify them is the Sappi Tree Spotting
topic. It has a useful explanation of the zones. The large round boulders on top of Koppies are
the granite remains of old volcanic activity, the layered basalt and sandstones the remains of
lateral horizontal lava flows, and the sand in the intervening areas from erosion and inland
Just as geology shapes the habitat of the area, so does the environment shape the indigenous
animals that are found on the strata? Form may follow function, but anatomy follows
physiology, and physiology follows environmental habitat. Behavior also follows habitat and
environment. So if physiology is shaped by habitat geology and climate and these two are
shaped by the Big Bang, what then shaped the Big Bang and Dark Matter and Dark Energy?
What are these mysterious Dark Matter and Energy made up of? MIT Professor and Nobel
laureate Ting and his team have devised a 7 ton experiment for the International Space Station
that measures positrons, the theory being that Dark Matter collisions will release positrons, the
anti - matter of electrons. Was the Big Bang shaped only by the Higgs boson, the God particle?
If physiology is sparked by life, what sparked life - hardly lightening as some have argued or
asteroids with life. Anyway where did that life then come from? Humans, as well as their art,
are also shaped by the geology. For example, the mountains and Koppies of Zimbabwe have
influenced far away United States jewelry.
In Zimbabwe, the granite sitting on Koppies will often take on animal or human shapes.
Camel Shaped Rocks
Thus, these massifs have influenced Shona motifs and sculpture. In the 1970s the mother and
child Shona sculptures became common in South Africa. Over time these have become
miniaturized and now are made of gold, typically within a gold rim around the mother and
child, and are given to mothers when they have a child. They are also often worn by American
mothers. Similarly, the Picasso statue in Chicago is strongly influenced by African sculpture.
Indeed, one needs only go into the Chicago Art Museum's Africa section to see similar styled
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