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A mock charge
While potential feasible in smaller parks, in the Kruger Park the numbers are too large and the
infrastructure and resources do not exist to do it. Although there is hope that pZP may not be as
disruptive to behavior. Water deprivation and letting Mother Nature take its course also
seems a problematic pathway. The problem, however, is that elephants are so destructive to
vegetation and affects other animal populations and biodiversity. Once elephants were
introduced to the Songimvelo Park south of Barberton, the elephants started destroying the
mountain aloes, some of them a century old and standing 30 feet high. David Balfour led a
review of options for World Conservation Union, funded by WWF and US Fish and Wildlife
Service, on managing the southern African areas where elephants are abundant. The ecological
impacts and failure to address the problems were discussed. The options they suggested were:
range expansion as with the Transfrontier Parks, translocation, fertility control, safari hunting,
and culling. Another and exhaustive round table review of the elephant issues was the 2007
Scientific Assessment of Elephant Management in South Africa authored by Kathleen Mennell
and Robert Scholes at the request of the Minister of Environment Affairs and Tourism. For
those interested in the challenges this document covers every aspect. The conclusion was that
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