Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 6: Flight to Bulawayo, trip to
Mazunga entrance, meet orphan rhino from
poaching and drive on to Fimbiri hilltop camp:
Trip from Johannesburg to Bulawayo (meaning place of killing) Zimbabwe:
After we had breakfast the next morning we headed for the airport and checked through for
our flight to Bulawayo without any problems.
While Bruce and I are waiting for our flight and I turn on the digital recorder:
So, Bruce, what are your thoughts now that we have arrived in Johannesburg and you have
been crammed into a little economy seat and you had problems with your luggage? How do
you think that has been handled?
“Well, you know, it's just like we said, anything can happen in Africa, and although I don't
know that the problems with our luggage are an African problem, I think they are probably a
United States problem. It's been a long way but here we are in Johannesburg which is part of
the modern world, and we are about to embark on getting to the third world, so I think it is
going to be pretty exciting. Then, and, you know, whatever happens, happens - we will just
have to deal with it. Of course, it looks like my gun is not going to make the trip but I probably
am not going to strangle any animals with my bare hands either. We are going to have to figure
out something else.”
What was your impression of dinner last night and [what is your] general outlook of people,
the ones we met with?
“Well, it is interesting. First of all, from the place we went last night it seems as though the
South African economy is doing pretty well. Under the surface there may be problems but it is
hard to tell on the surface. I think that the general impression is one of, at least at this point in
time, they are getting by. Certainly they have concerns over the future of their government but,
then again, so do we and I think they are dealing with different problems than we are dealing
with. Of course, the South African economy has been given a huge shot in the arm by the price
of gold. We will see what happens. At this point in time they are actually doing pretty well.”
I think the World Cup last year was a big boost for the economy and, of course, the
infrastructure here at the airport is very nice.
“Absolutely, that is extremely impressive. Whether they are going to be able to pay for it in
the end, who knows, but it certainly has lifted the infrastructure of the area in a substantial
way. We don't get to try the high speed train but from what I heard from Martin and Chris, they
use it themselves when they come out to the airport so it must be pretty good.”
Yeah, it sounds like it must be a pretty good thing to ride on.
“We, of course, in Cleveland have a low speed train that you can take to the airport [but] it
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