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Portuguese, in Maputo.
Nguni Cattle and Locals Making Charcoal outside Tembe
Zululand Village on Outskirts of Game Reserve
The other reason was that many of the large game reserves in Africa were in inhospitable
areas, particularly because of disease (malaria for humans, sleeping sickness - Nagana for
horses and cattle, and later rinderpest) or because of arid semi desert conditions. On the
Lebombo Plain, other diseases that prevented successful cattle farming were foot and mouth
disease, theileriosis, anthrax, malignant catarr fever, and African swine and horse fever. This
prevented easy human habitation whereas in India there were no such large areas where
malaria or deserts reduced habitation and allowed for creation of large game reserves. The
politics were also different.
The sun was largely hidden by the smog cloud over the Rand, the extended metropolis of the
Witwatersrand, but not set, as we touched down at 6,000 feet above sea level on the runway of
Oliver Tambo Airport, named after one of the leaders of the ANC. Originally the airport was
called Jan Smuts after the South African general who fought for the Boers in the Boer war and
both World Wars, serving in the Imperial War Cabinet under Churchill, and the signing both
World War peace treaties. He served as South Africa's prime minister, was a principal
founder of the League of Nations and wrote the preamble for the United Nations. Later in his
career, his popularity fell in South Africa, with the Afrikaners for siding too much with the
British and with the English because he had advocated “segregation”, the English word for
“apartheid” (separation), of races. It would not be surprising for the name of the city
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