Biology Reference
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Elephant Denuded Plain in Chobe, in winter it is a Dustbowl
Part of a Herd of 200 Elephants Drinking at Chobe
Indeed, Sol Kerzner, the developer of Sun City, Atlantis, and New Jersey casinos, wanted to
build a large complex near Chobe but decided against it because of the single species elephant
environment, destruction of riverine forests, and loss of floral biodiversity for tourists to
In the early 1980s, Delia Owens and her husband wrote a topic about living in the Kalahari
Desert called Cry the Kalahari . One of the interesting stories was of being able to approach
an injured lion and dress its wounds, the lion understanding that they were trying to help it.
With his knowledge from learning from San bushmen, Don Heath says one can walk up to a
pride in daylight as long as one does not turn ones back on them or lowers oneself to their
level as shown in the photograph of him among wild lions. He has done this to several prides.
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