Databases Reference
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>>> out = np . load ( "weather.npz" )
>>> out [ "data" ]
array([ 0.44149738, 0.7407523 , 0.44243584, ..., 0.19018119,
0.64844851, 0.55660748])
>>> out [ "start_time" ]
>>> out [ "station" ]
So far so good. But what if we have more than one quantity per station? Say there's also
wind speed data to record?
>>> wind = np . random . random ( 2048 )
>>> dt_wind = 5.0 # Wind sampled every 5 seconds
And suppose we have multiple stations. We could introduce some kind of naming con‐
vention, I suppose: “wind_15” for the wind values from station 15, and things like
“dt_wind_15” for the sampling interval. Or we could use multiple files…
In contrast, here's how this application might approach storage with HDF5:
>>> import h5py
>>> f = h5py . File ( "weather.hdf5" )
>>> f [ "/15/temperature" ] = temperature
>>> f [ "/15/temperature" ] . attrs [ "dt" ] = 10.0
>>> f [ "/15/temperature" ] . attrs [ "start_time" ] = 1375204299
>>> f [ "/15/wind" ] = wind
>>> f [ "/15/wind" ] . attrs [ "dt" ] = 5.0
>>> f [ "/20/temperature" ] = temperature_from_station_20
(and so on)
This example illustrates two of the “killer features” of HDF5: organization in hierarchical
groups and attributes. Groups, like folders in a filesystem, let you store related datasets
together. In this case, temperature and wind measurements from the same weather
station are stored together under groups named “/15,” “/20,” etc. Attributes let you attach
descriptive metadata directly to the data it describes . So if you give this file to a colleague,
she can easily discover the information needed to make sense of the data:
>>> dataset = f [ "/15/temperature" ]
>>> for key , value in dataset . attrs . iteritems ():
... print " %s : %s " % ( key , value )
dt: 10.0
start_time: 1375204299
Coping with Large Data Volumes
As a high-level “glue” language, Python is increasingly being used for rapid visualization
of big datasets and to coordinate large-scale computations that run in compiled lan‐
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