Databases Reference
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Figure 9-1 shows schematically how this works. If you have multiple threads running,
if one of them calls into HDF5 (for example, to write a large dataset to disk), the others
will not proceed until the call completes.
Figure 9-1. Outline of a threading-based program using HDF5
The h5py package is “thread-safe,” in that you can safely share objects between threads
without corruption, and there's no global state that lets one thread stomp on another.
However, certain high-level operations are not yet guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore,
it's recommended that you manage access to your HDF5 objects by using recursive locks.
Here's an example: we'll create a single shared HDF5 file and two threads that do some
computation and write to it. Access to the file is managed using an instance of the
threading.RLock class:
import threading
import time
import random
import numpy as np
import h5py
f = h5py . File ( "thread_demo.hdf5" , "w" )
dset = f . create_dataset ( "data" , ( 2 , 1024 ), dtype = 'f' )
lock = threading . RLock ()
class ComputeThread ( threading . Thread ):
def __init__ ( self , axis ):
self . axis = axis # One thread does dset[0,:], the other dset[1, :].
threading . Thread . __init__ ( self )
def run ( self ):
""" Perform a series of (simulated) computations and save to dataset.
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