Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 3.2 Naming Convention Examples
MovieClip containing a form
TextInput for user's e-mail address
Button to submit a form
Sound object for background music
and so on. You get the gist of it. Again, all these names are just
suggestions, and if you haven
t already, try to set up a time to talk
about these conventions with your coworkers to make sure you are
all on the same page.
Naming Banners
Another thing that should be consistent throughout your projects is
the naming of your banners. Your banner names should be
descriptive and easy to understand at a glance because you may
need to revisit one of them later. An example of this would be if a
particular ad performed very well and your client wanted to use
the same creative, but to change the message within it. There are
many naming conventions you could choose to go with, but
I would like to recommend one here. If you refer back to the
ll notice we named that file
300x250_30_my_ad.fla. This is a pretty self-explanatory name
because it contains all the information you need, and each part of
that information is separated by an underscore. The first part of
the name is obviously the size of the banner (300
Setting Up Your File(s),
250). After that
is the maximum file size, in kilobytes, allowed for this particular ad
(30). Next in line, we used the word
; this is where you would
place either an abbreviation or the full name of the client for
which the banner is being built. Finally, at the end of the file
name, you
ll want to use another abbreviation to describe the crea-
tive being used. For example, if the creative is that of water being
poured into a glass, use the word
Another good standard
to practice is limiting your file names to a certain number of
characters (including the file extension); somewhere around 30 is
usually a good number to go with.
Another in the many items to be agreed on in this area is code-
related standards. This ranges from frameworks and design pat-
terns to naming your classes, methods, and variables. And as much
as some of you may not like it, there will even be times when you
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