Graphics Reference
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public static function play(targetClip:MovieClip,
loopCount:int=0, targetFrame:int=1, speed:Number=30):void {
_targetClip = targetClip;
_targetFrame = targetFrame;
_loopCount = loopCount;
_revTimer.delay = speed;
reverseFrame, false, 0, true);
The reverseFrame method that gets called as a result of _revTimer
firing off a TimerEvent makes a simple decision to either move the
MovieClip back by one frame or not. So, first it compares the
currentFrame property of _targetClip to the value of _targetFrame .
If _targetClip hasn
t reached that point on the timeline yet, we
tell it to go backwards by one frame ( prevFrame ). Remember, we
testing to see if currentFrame is greater than _targetFrame because
the MovieClip is playing backwards at this point. So if it
not greater, then we need to stop rewinding. The first thing to do in
this case is to force the MovieClip to gotoAndStop(_targetFrame) .
This step is really just a fallback to make sure the timeline didn
too far. Since we
re accounting for
the possibility that the playhead reversed too far by at least one
frame. Next, we
re forcing the frame number, we
ll reset the timer, so it will be ready to go when/if
we need it again. At the end of this piece, let
schecktoseeif _loop
Count is equal to
1 (remember, that means infinite looping). If it is
equal to
1, all we need to do is tell _targetClip to play again. On
the other hand, if _loopCount is not equal to
1, we
ll call the replay
private static function reverseFrame(e:TimerEvent):void {
if(_targetClip.currentFrame > _targetFrame){
1 ? : replay();
And now for the replay method. The replay method also
consists of a pretty simple if/else statement. Our test this time is to
see if _currentLoop is less than _loopCount . If it is, we increase
_currentLoop and tell _targetClip to play again (or loop).
If _currentLoop is not less than _loopCount ,it
s time to stop
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