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The upside to broad matching is that you
get exposure to thousands of search phrases, but you only had to
set up one term. The downside is that your site may end up in
irrelevant results. However, remember that more results can equal
more clicks, which can equal more conversions, which means
more return on investment.
Another matching option is phrase matching. With phrase
matching, you have actually purchased a phrase as opposed to a
single word. An example of this might be that you have bought the
car wash
new car.
Phrase matching will make sure that your
microsite is returned in the results when people search for that
particular phrase, but not variations of it. In other words, your site
will show up in a search for
car dealer.
car dealer,
but not in a search for
Yet another form of matching is exact matching, and, just as
you might suspect, your microsite is only included in the results if
a user searches for the exact term that you
dealer car.
ve purchased. Both
phrase matching and exact matching will put your site in more tar-
geted and relevant search results.
Another way to further target-specific searches is to create a
negative keyword list. This list is used in conjunction with broad
matching to weed out any searches that you know you don
to be included in. Sticking with the search term
s say your
client is a car dealership and they don
t want their site to show up
in a search for
to the
negative keyword list and the search engine will make sure that the
site is omitted from those results.
car wash.
Simply add the word
Text Ads
Text ads (also known as sponsored links) are the text-based
advertisements that you see (usually on the right side of the
page) when your search results are returned to you. The search
engine will determine which text ads to display based on a num-
beroffactors,includingtheamount paid for the advertisement
and the relevance to the term that was searched. Although the
amount you can actually say in any given text ad may change a
little from search engine to search engine, the format is generally
the same across the board. Typically, you
ll be allowed to include
a headline, a couple of lines of copy, and a URL for the adver-
tised site. Because of the limited amount of text allowed in these
ads, it
s important to have good copy written that gets right to
the point while still enticing the user to click on your ad instead
of the others around it.
One thing to look for when purchasing text ads is the process
the search engine uses in getting the ad running for the first time.
Although some of them allow your ad to show up immediately
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