Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
urlVariables.userLast = lastNameInput.text;
urlVariables.userZip = zipCodeInput.text;
navigateToURL(urlRequest, _self );
s going on in Example 9.4. The
first thing that happens in this submitForm function is that we set up a
URLRequest and point it to our processing page. Next, we set up a
URLVariables object and set the method of the URLRequest to
POST. After that we assign the URLVariables to the data property of
your URLRequest and set up all of the name/value pairs. Finally, we
call out to the processing page with navigateToURL .
Captured information about visitors can be used by your client
to offer periodic e-mails such as updates, newsletters, or limited-
time sale offers. Because the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
made the CAN-SPAM Act law effective in January 2004, there are a
set of rules that must be followed. These rules are very important
for you to know because if they are broken, there may be legal
consequences such as sizeable fines. Some of the overall rules to
follow are that you should not be misleading about who has sent
the e-mail, don
So here
s a quick rundown of what
t be deceptive in the subject line, and give users the
ability to
of your e-mails.
When allowing users to sign up to receive any kind of e-mails from your
client, you should be fully aware of the CAN-SPAM Act. If you are not
familiar with this law, please take the time to learn about it on the FTC
Web site at
e-mails from your client, and there must be backend code in place
to handle these requests for a certain amount of time after you send
customers unhappy with them, and forcing unsolicited e-mails to
their inboxes would most likely do just that.
Quality Control
You didn
t think you were going to get out of this chapter without
someone testing your work and trying to break it, did you? If so,
think again. Everything you build should not only be continually
tested by you but also by someone else and preferably by someone
whose actual job description involves testing and quality control.
You should send your banners through a quality control process,
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