Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
When to Utilize Rich-Media Technology
Audio/Video 94
Dynamic Content In Your Ads
Extra Loads 96
More Interactivity
Floating Ads 96
Expandable Ads 96
Rich-Media Companies
re All Different In the Same Ways
Third-party rich-media technologies are a powerful tool when it
comes to advertising. As I mentioned previously, these technologies
are available through companies who specialize in opening new,
more captivating channels for advertisers
usage. Without these tech-
nologies in place, Flash banners would most likely be limited to the
regular old standard ads and constrained to 30
40k in file size.
However, since they are available and ready to be used, we can
create banners that are capable of everything from playing video to
expanding out to a larger size to working like tiny Web sites (mini-
microsites, if you will). All of these options offered by rich-media
companies afford us the room to give users more information than
we could fit in a standard Flash banner. And did I mention that the
file sizes allowed are usually much larger than standard ads, or that
unlike standard ads, you can load external files such as child .swfs,
.xml files, and .jpgs? There are even options out there for streaming
full-screen video. So let
s get to the following sections in this chapter:
When to Utilize Rich-Media Technology
Rich-Media Companies
When to Utilize Rich-Media Technology
One question that is often asked is,
How do I know when to
choose between a rich-media technology and a standard Flash ad?
As I mentioned at the beginning of this topic, a key factor in this
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