Travel Reference
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51-seat Legislativ e Assembly. I n the first
elections for this body, in 1959, the popu-
lar P AP sw ept 43 of the seats and Lee
Kuan Yew became the city-state 's first
prime minister . I t wasn 't until after his
election that it became evident that Lee 's
politics were not in line with communist
After his election, it was Lee 's wish to
see S ingapore and M alaya unite as one
nation, but the M alayan government was
fearful of S ingapore's dominant Chinese
influence and fought to keep the city-state
out. I n 1963, ho wever, they br oke do wn
and admitted S ingapore as a member . I t
was a short-lived marriage. When the PAP
began to expand its influence thr oughout
Malaysia, as the ne w union was r enamed,
the latter became distrustful and demanded
Singapore be expelled. O n A ugust 9,
1965, S ingapore found itself an entir ely
independent countr y. Lee 's tear ful televi-
sion br oadcast announcing S ingapore's
expulsion fr om M alaysia and simultane-
ous gain of independence is one of the
most famous in S ingapore's histor y. I n
1971, the last B ritish militar y for ces left
the island.
If you're having trouble finding nonfiction
topics about S ingapore in bookstor es
where y ou liv e, I suggest y ou wait until
you arriv e, then br owse local shelv es,
where you'll find tons of topics about the
country and its history, culture, arts, food,
along with local fiction. F or inter esting
and informativ e r eads that y ou can find
(or or der) thr ough y our neighborhood
bookstore, here's a good place to star t:
From Third World to First: The Singapore
Story: 1965-2000, by Lee Kuan Yew (Har-
perCollins), details the history and policies
behind S ingapore's r emarkable economic
success, written by the man who was at the
The S ingapore S tory: M emoirs of Lee
Kuan Y ew, b y Lee K uan Yew (P rentice
Hall). An intimate account of M inister
Mentor Lee's personal journey , this topic
will giv e insight into one of the world
winner takes you back to Singapore on the
brink of World War II to examine the last
days of the British Empire.
King R at, b y J ames Clav ell (D ell). I n
this no vel set in S ingapore during the
Japanese Occupation, an American PO W
struggles to outwit the system in a harsh
prison camp.
Lord J im, b y J oseph Conrad (P enguin
Classics). Written in 1900, this classic nar-
rative tells the stor y of a man's struggle to
find r edemption in a S
outheast Asian
West from Singapore, by Louis L'Amour
(Bantam). F ew kne w that Mr . L'Amour
was a Merchant Marine in Southeast Asia.
In this novel, he creates his brand of fasci-
nating American West stor ytelling, only
this tale takes place in the waters ar ound
pre-World War II Singapore.
Rogue T rader, b y N ick Leeson ( Time
Warner). The subtitle says it all: “H ow I
Brought D own B arings B ank and S hook
the F inancial World,” written b y S inga-
pore's most notorious expatriate.
Few major motion pictures have been shot
in or are about Singapore. Of note is Peter
Bogdanovich's Saint Jack (1979), the only
American film to hav e been shot entir ely
most talked-about leaders.
Crossroads: A P opular History of M alay-
sia & S ingapore, b y J im B aker ( Times
Books International). A readable history of
Singapore and M alaysia fr om a longtime
resident and expert.
The S ingapore G rip, b y J. G. F arrell
(Knopf). A highly enjo yable work of his-
torical fiction written b y a Booker P rize
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