Databases Reference
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at the command line. If the MySQL bin directory isn't listed there, take the following
For a Linux or Mac system, open your ~/.bashrc shell configuration file (start a new file
if there isn't one already) in a text editor using the instructions in “Using a Text Edi-
tor” at the beginning of this chapter, and add this line to the bottom:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin:
If you use a shell other than bash , you'll need to edit the appropriate shell configuration
file. For example, if you use tcsh , you'll need to edit the ~/.tcshrc or ~/.cshrc file and
add the line:
setenv PATH $PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin
To activate the changes, type $ source ~/.bashrc , log out and log in again, or simply
restart the computer.
For Windows, you can update the path in two ways. The first way is to run the MySQL
server configuration program again by selecting MySQL Server Instance Config Wizard
from the Windows Start menu and selecting the “Include Bin Directory in Windows
PATH” checkbox as described earlier in this chapter.
The second way is to manually add the appropriate entry to your Windows path by
following these steps:
1. Open the Windows control panel.
2. If you don't have the control panel Classic View enabled (it's disabled by default),
you'll need to step through one additional window (if you have Classic View ena-
bled, you can skip this step). Under XP, if you have Category View enabled, you'll
see an icon for Performance and Maintenance; open this. Under Vista, the control
panel window will open at the Control Panel Home view by default; click on the
System and Maintenance entry.
3. Open the System entry. Under Vista, click on the Advanced System Settings link
under the list of tasks.
4. Select the Advanced tab
5. Click on the Environment Variables button
6. In the bottom half of the window, you'll see the “System variables” pane. Scroll
down this list until you see an entry for Path.
7. Double-click on this entry, or select it and press the Edit button.
8. In the dialog box that appears, go to the end of the Variable value field and add a
semicolon followed by the path to the MySQL bin directory. For example, if you
installed MySQL to the C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin directory,
you should add:
;C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin
The semicolon at the start is a delimiter used to separate entries in the system path.
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