Databases Reference
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i686.tar in your download directory. You can unpack this in any location by opening
a terminal window, changing to the directory you want to run MySQL from, and calling
the tar program from there to unpack the file. For example, if the file was downloaded
to your Desktop directory, but you want to have the MySQL directory under your home
directory, you can open a terminal window and type:
$ cd
to go to your home directory, and:
$ tar --extract --file ~/Desktop/mysql-standard-5.0.22-osx10.4-i686.tar
to unpack the file that's in your Desktop directory. If the browser does not decompress
the file at all, you'll find the downloaded file still has a .gz extension. You can follow
the same steps as for the decompressed file, but use the gunzip option to decompress
the file before unpacking it:
$ tar --gunzip --extract --file \
Once the package has been decompressed, you can move the resulting directory to the
location you want. For example, you can move it to be under your home directory,
either by dragging and dropping with the mouse, or by using the mv command from the
$ mv ~/Desktop/mysql-standard-5.0.22-osx10.4-i686 ~
You can also create a symbolic link to the MySQL directory so that you can refer to it
as simply ~/mysql :
$ ln -s ~/Desktop/mysql-standard-5.0.22-osx10.4-i686 ~/mysql
Once you have the extracted directory, you should change to that directory:
$ cd ~/mysql
and run the mysql_install_db program from the scripts directory to initialize the MySQL
$ scripts/mysql_install_db
You can now start the server using the command:
$ bin/mysqld_safe &
Set a password for the MySQL server root account immediately:
$ bin/mysqladmin --user=root password the_new_mysql_root_password
Since we've set a password for the root user, you need to use this password in all further
accesses to the server for the root account. You can now stop the server using the
$ bin/mysqladmin --user=root --password= the_mysql_root_password shutdown
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