Databases Reference
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$sth->bind_columns(\$Animal_Name, \$Animal_Count);
# Open the file specified on the command line; if we can't open it,
# print an error message and stop.
open(OUTPUTFILE, ">$ARGV[0]")
die("Failed opening $ARGV[0]\n");
# Write header row with column names
print OUTPUTFILE "Name,Count\n";
# Iterate through the results and write them as comma-separated values
# to the output file
print OUTPUTFILE "$Animal_Name,$Animal_Count\n";
If the data could contain a comma, the resulting file could be unusable. For example,
if we want to export names and telephone numbers in the format:
we'd have difficulty if the data in the MySQL database were allowed to have commas,
as it does here:
| Name | Number |
| Hamzeh Abdollah | +61 3 1234 5678 |
| Bloggs, Fred | +61 3 8795 4321 |
If we exported this data to a CSV file, we would have:
Hamzeh Abdollah,+61 3 1234 5678
Bloggs, Fred,+61 3 8795 4321
The spreadsheet program would take the second row to have the name “Bloggs” and
the telephone number “ Fred”. To avoid this problem, we can enclose the data in double
quotes when writing it out:
print OUTPUTFILE "\"$Name\",\"$Count\"\n";
Note that since the text to be written to file is already enclosed in double quotes, we've
escaped (placed a backslash symbol before) the quotes surrounding the data. The ex-
ported data would be:
"Hamzeh Abdollah","+61 3 1234 5678"
"Bloggs, Fred","+61 3 8795 4321"
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