Databases Reference
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print "===========\n".
For each value of $AnimalName , the statements between the braces are executed. First,
the += operator is used to increase the value of the $ Total variable by the count of that
animal, and then the name and count of each animal is printed. Note that we initialized
the value of $Total to zero before we start adding values to it.
The foreach construct shown here extracts the keys of the %Animals hash, but we have
to use the hash together with the key to find each value. The following while statement
does the same thing, but in a cleaner way:
while( (my $AnimalName, my $Count) = each(%Animals) )
print "$AnimalName:\t$Count\n";
Each time round the loop, the each construct assigns the animal name (the key) and
count (the value) to the $AnimalName and $Count variables. The loop is repeated, and
the statements within the braces are executed until all the items in the hash are ex-
Conditional Statements
Sometimes, we want to execute a statement only if something is true, or only if it's false.
The if construct allows this:
# Numerical comparison
my $var1=786;
if($var1 < 786)
print "The value is less than 786.\n";
if($var1 >= 786)
print "The value is greater than or equal to 786.\n";
if($var1 == 786)
print "The value is equal to 786.\n";
If we want to compare strings, rather than numbers, we need to use the string com-
parison operators. The important ones are eq (equal), lt (alphabetically earlier than),
and gt (alphabetically later than):
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