Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Creates a dump of all databases on the server. This means you don't have to supply
any database names on the command line. We'll show you an example of this later
in this section.
Includes MySQL-specific information such as ENGINE and CHARSET in the table cre-
ation statements.
Create a dump of the specified databases. This also ensures—even if you list only
one database—that CREATE DATABASE and USE statements are added to the output.
Tells MySQL to disable index updates during the INSERT operations for MyISAM
tables; the index is created after all the data has been loaded, which is more efficient.
Combines INSERT statements so that each statement inserts multiple table rows;
this helps speed up data restoration.
Flushes the server logs before dumping the data. This is useful in conjunction with
incremental backups, as described later in “The Binary Log.”
Locks all the tables in a database for the duration of the dump so that the dump is
a consistent snapshot.
Dumps only the information necessary to re-create the database structure and
leaves out the data; the dump file will have no INSERT statements.
This option, which is enabled by default from MySQL version 4.1 onwards, enables
the options add-drop-table , add-locks , create-options , disable-keys , extended-
insert , lock-tables , quick , and set-charset . You can disable all these by using the
skip-opt option, or you can disable individual options by adding the prefix skip-
in front of them; for example, to disable add-locks , you'd write skip-add-locks .
However, they're all sensible defaults that you're likely to want in most cases.
Prevents mysqldump from buffering tables in memory before writing to the file; this
speeds up dumps from large tables.
Specifies the name of the output dump file, where the SQL commands are stored.
Specifies the character set—for example, latin1 or utf8 —used by the database.
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