Databases Reference
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Even though this appears pointless, it can be useful when combined with aliases in
more advanced queries, as we show in Chapter 7.
You can specify databases, tables, and column names in a SELECT statement. This allows
you to avoid the USE command and work with any database and table directly with
SELECT ; it also helps resolve ambiguities, as we show later in “Joining Two Tables.”
Consider an example: suppose you want to retrieve the album_name column from the
album table in the music database. You can do this with the following command:
mysql> SELECT album_name FROM music.album;
| album_name |
| Let Love In |
| Retro - John McCready FAN |
| Substance (Disc 2) |
| Retro - Miranda Sawyer POP |
| Retro - New Order / Bobby Gillespie LIVE |
| Live Around The World |
| In A Silent Way |
| Power, Corruption & Lies |
| Exile On Main Street |
| Substance 1987 (Disc 1) |
| Second Coming |
| Light Years |
| Brotherhood |
13 rows in set (0.01 sec)
The music.album component after the FROM keyword specifies the music database and
its album table. There's no need to enter USE music before running this query. This syntax
can also be used with other SQL statements, including the UPDATE , DELETE , INSERT , and
SHOW statements we discuss later in this chapter.
Choosing Rows with the WHERE Clause
This section introduces the WHERE clause and explains how to use the Boolean operators
to write expressions. You'll see these in most SELECT statements, and often in other
statements such as UPDATE and DELETE ; we'll show you examples later in this chapter.
WHERE basics
The WHERE clause is a powerful tool that allows you to choose which rows are returned
from a SELECT statement. You use it to return rows that match a condition, such as
having a column value that exactly matches a string, a number greater or less than a
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