Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Ceratophyllales
Family: Ceratophyllaceae
Common name: Hornwort, coon tail
Distribution: North America, cosmopolitan in temperate regions
Habitat: Lakes, ponds, quiet streams, still and slow-moving waters
Description: The stem of this submerged and free-loating species measures
3 m (height), and its leaves are in whorls of 6-10. The leaf (40 mm long) is
simple and forked into 3-10 thread-like segments. This species is monoe-
cious, and the lowers are very small (2 mm long). The fruit is a small nut
of only 5 mm long.
Compounds and activities: The bioactive antibacterial compounds isolated
from this species include alkaloids and lipophilic lavonoids. The antibacte-
rial polyphenols isolated from this species are known to act against enteric
bacteria. Further, the acetone extracts of this plant have shown antibacterial
properties against Bacillus sp. and P. aeruginosa (Ghobrial et al., 2007).
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