Environmental Engineering Reference
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H 3 C H 3
CH 3
CH 2
N +
C -
Phylum: Cyanobacteria Class: Cyanophyceae
Order: Chroococcales Family: Chroococcaceae
Distribution: Europe, South America, Southwest Asia, Southeast Asia,
Australia, New Zealand
Habitat: Rice ields, lakes
Description: This species has small, loating colonies. Each colony may have
5-40 subspherical or elliptical cells of 3-5 µm size. The colonies may be
embedded in colorless mucilage or with a narrow distinct sheath.
Compounds and activities: The methanolic extracts of this species have shown
a widespread spectrum of antibacterial activities. The observed values of
inhibition zone diameter (mm) for the bacterial species, S. aureus , S. epi-
dermidis , B. subtilis , E. coli , S. typhi , and P. aeruginosa , were 10, 8, 10, 8,
10, and 8, respectively. The antifungal activity of the supernatants of this
species was observed for the fungal species, C. kefyr , A. fumigatus , and
A. niger , and the values of inhibition zone diameter were 14, 8, and 11 mm,
respectively (Ghasemi et al., 2007).
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