Environmental Engineering Reference
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Phylum: Cyanobacteria Class: Cyanophyceae
Order: Oscillatoriales Family: Phormidiaceae
Distribution: Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Ireland, Southwest Asia,
South America
Habitat: Creeks, streams (subaerophytic habitats)
Description: The ilaments of this species are unbranched and are rarely
solitary. Though microscopic initially, it becomes macroscopic, of several
centimeters in diameter, subsequently. A facultative sheath is present. The
trichome (3-15 µm wide) is isopolar, more or less straight, coiled, or waved.
It is uniserial and unbranched. The cells of the trichome are cylindrical or
barrel shaped and without aerotops.
Compounds and activities: The crude extract (acetone/methanol/di-ethyl-
ether, 5:2:1 v/v) of this species has yielded the bioactive compound
1-hexyl-2-nitrocyclohexane, which showed a maximum activity of 91.7%
against human pathogenic bacteria. The extract also showed moder-
ate activity against Bacillus subtilis and high activity against S. sonnei
( Al- Wathnani, 2012).
O -
N +
H 3 C
Phylum: Cyanobacteria Class: Cyanophyceae
Order: Nostocales Family: Nostocaceae
Distribution: Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan
Habitat: Freshwater habitats
Description: The colonies of this small macroscopic species are gelatinous
and leathery in structure. Each colony consists of many trichomes that are
embedded in a communal mucilage.
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