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answer the query are not in the buffer, they are read from the disk, probably
replacing existing ones in the buffer (if it is full, which is normally the case)
using well-known algorithms, for example, replacing the least recently used
pages with the new ones. In this way, the buffer acts as a cache that the
DBMS can access to avoid going to disk, enhancing query performance.
File organization is the physical arrangement of data in a file into
records and blocks on secondary storage. There are three main types of file
organization. In a heap (or unordered ) file organization, records are placed
in the file in the order in which they are inserted. This makes insertion very
ecient. However, retrieval is relatively slow, since the various pages of the
file must be read in sequence until the required record is found. Sequential
(or ordered ) files have their records sorted on the values of one or more
fields, called ordering fields . Ordered files allow fast retrieving of records,
provided that the search condition is based on the sorting attribute. However,
inserting and deleting records in a sequential file are problematic, since the
order must be maintained. Finally, hash files use a hash function that
calculates the address of the block (or bucket ) in which a record is to be
stored, based on the value of one or more attributes. Within a bucket, records
are placed in order of arrival. A collision occurs when a bucket is filled to
its capacity and a new record must be inserted into that bucket. Hashing
provides the fastest possible access for retrieving an arbitrary record given
the value of its hash field. However, collision management degrades the overall
Independently of the particular file organization, additional access struc-
tures called indexes are used to speed up the retrieval of records in response
to search conditions. Indexes provide ecient ways to access the records based
on the indexing fields that are used to construct the index. Any field(s) of
the file can be used to create an index, and multiple indexes on different fields
can be constructed in the same file.
There are many different types of indexes. We describe below some
categories of indexes according to various criteria:
￿ One categorization of indexes distinguishes between clustered and non-
clustered indexes , also called primary and secondary indexes .Ina
clustered index, the records in the data file are physically ordered according
to the field(s) on which the index is defined. This is not the case for a
nonclustered index. A file can have at most one clustered index and in
addition can have several nonclustered indexes.
￿ Indexes can be single-column or multiple-column , depending on the
number of indexing fields on which they are based. When a multiple-
column index is created, the order of columns in the index has an impact
on data retrieval. Generally, the most restrictive value should be placed
first for optimum performance.
￿ Another categorization of indexes is according to whether they are unique
or nonunique : unique indexes do not allow duplicate values, while this is
not the case for nonunique indexes.
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